The EJ “FIXA Assets and Inventory” software module supports all the necessary functionalities for structurally describing and detailed reporting of the enterprise’s tangible, intangible, financial, non-current assets and inventory. Enables the formation of SAP and DAP as well as reports on the acquisition, movement and decommissioning of fixed assets. A unique apparatus for building and storing an electronic file for each FTA has been developed.


Detailed information on the acquisition, recording, depreciation methods (accounting and tax-recognized), value increases, conservation and disposal (sale, scrapping, liquidation, etc.) of fixed assets (YES) are maintained. Each group of YES can be assigned by the user an unlimited number of features for a more detailed description of YES in the group. Galleries with YES images and scanned copies of accompanying documents relating to the long-term asset (notary deeds, sales contract, sketches, etc.) may be constructed. The module can detail the assets and inventory of each of the company’s objects and sub-projects.


The module has the capability of drafting MDT declarations for initial declaration and subsequent changes.


Operational Integrity between EJ “COTA – Accounting” and EJ “FIXA – Assets and Inventory” has been developed. At the recording level of YES accumulation of book value and formation of monthly depreciation. In the processing of documents concerning the dynamic restructuring of YES, a connection (integration) with module EJ “DOXA – Document Management” is carried out.

An opportunity to import a data structure .


Multi-company support.

Simultaneous operation of several operators.

Ability to input operational data without the use of a “mouse”.

Ergonomic screen layouts of the user interface.

Detailed contextual help documentation.

Own viewer and reports viewer.

Ability to generate different formats to output the reports.


Working with different operating systems – all versions of Windows, Linux Ubuntu.

The system can work in “cloud” structures.

Serious data protection against unauthorized access is built.

Remote support.

Own database management system.

“FIXA – Assets and inventory” is built with the ArmSBuilder software environment.

Short description of the main functionalities

<p>Fixed Asset Cardboard (Own) – Initial Data and Attributes</p>

Fixed Asset Cardboard (Own) – Initial Data and Attributes

<p>Cardboard – image and documentation of the Fixed Asset</p>

Cardboard – image and documentation of the Fixed Asset

<p>Describing not own Fixed Asset</p>

Describing not own Fixed Asset

Group settings by Fixed Asset categories and billing, retirement, redeployment, and referral costs.

Ability to set additional data attributes to Fixed Asset in a group. Data can be entered to each Fixed Asset for: a book value; date of commissioning (accounting and tax-recognized); method and amortization period (accounting and tax-recognized); location, property; change the value of Fixed Asset; changes in the accounting method of Fixed Asset *; relocation of YES by company objects *; revaluation of Fixed Asset *; conservation of Fixed Asset; reclassification of Fixed Asset (sale) and discontinuation of Fixed Asset.

Structures of Fixed Asset and inventory on the sites of the company can be constructed

Fixed Asset can be created with imagery galleries and scanned documents concerning Fixed Asset and how to work with him.

Not own (hired) Fixed Asset can be traced and monitored

<p>SAP and DAP</p>


<p>Accounting depreciation plan</p>

Accounting depreciation plan

<p>Memorial order for monthly depreciation by groups Fixed Asset</p>

Memorial order for monthly depreciation by groups Fixed Asset

A report on Fixed Asset depreciation may be generated for a period of time.

Inventory book

Cartons of Fixed Asset

An annual accounting and tax amortization plan is established for Fixed Asset

Automatic accrual of depreciation

<p>Imports data of Fixed Asset</p>

Imports data of Fixed Asset

Possibility to import data from external systems and a standard CSV file

<p>Choosing a company</p>

Choosing a company

Add users password access rights

Automatic data backup

Localization of data of local and cloud structures

Managerial control of the working accounting process

Ability to generate different formats to output the reports

Detailed contextual help information

Working with function keys

Ability to input operational data without the use of a “mouse”

Real-time integration with data from other system modules

License prices and one year subscription

License prices

First install

Next install

A single-user company
/до 200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 10 фирми, 1 потребител/

First install


Next install


Small company
/до 600 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 20 фирми, до 3 потребителя/

First install


Next install


/до 1200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 50 фирми, до 5 потребителя/

First install


Next install


   За абонамент
/за 1 година/

First install

Next install

A single-user company
/до 200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 10 фирми, 1 потребител/

First install


Next install


Small company
/до 600 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 20 фирми, до 3 потребителя/

First install


Next install


/до 1200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 50 фирми, до 5 потребителя/

First install


Next install


Цените са в лева, без включен ДДС.

В цената на лиценза се включва и 6 месечен абонамент за поддръжка.