The EJ “FIXA Assets and Inventory” software module supports all the necessary functionalities for structurally describing and detailed reporting of the enterprise’s tangible, intangible, financial, non-current assets and inventory. Enables the formation of SAP and DAP as well as reports on the acquisition, movement and decommissioning of fixed assets. A unique apparatus for building and storing an electronic file for each FTA has been developed.
Detailed information on the acquisition, recording, depreciation methods (accounting and tax-recognized), value increases, conservation and disposal (sale, scrapping, liquidation, etc.) of fixed assets (YES) are maintained. Each group of YES can be assigned by the user an unlimited number of features for a more detailed description of YES in the group. Galleries with YES images and scanned copies of accompanying documents relating to the long-term asset (notary deeds, sales contract, sketches, etc.) may be constructed. The module can detail the assets and inventory of each of the company’s objects and sub-projects.
The module has the capability of drafting MDT declarations for initial declaration and subsequent changes.
Operational Integrity between EJ “COTA – Accounting” and EJ “FIXA – Assets and Inventory” has been developed. At the recording level of YES accumulation of book value and formation of monthly depreciation. In the processing of documents concerning the dynamic restructuring of YES, a connection (integration) with module EJ “DOXA – Document Management” is carried out.
An opportunity to import a data structure .