The EJ System software is a new-generation software product designed to automate and informally manage operations management and control of business activities. The suite of programs is suitable for small as well as large companies and accountancy firms. It combines a unique ergonomic user interface and rich functional capabilities. The applied information technologies in the EJ System have a high degree of innovation, some of them being applied for the first time on a global scale. The complex’s work has achieved extremely good information integration between its modules.

User Characteristic

The main distinguishing features of the EJ System Standard are:

  • Short implementation times and an opportunity for information service of a very large volume of real and different practical situations.
  • It has an ergonomic user interface with maximum functional range and intuitive navigation.
  • The work with the complex is document oriented and follows the logic of work in the company. The data entry is done in accordance with the documents that come into the process.
  • Unique device for generating, storing, processing and distributing electronic documents. It has a built-in mechanism for storing electronic copies of all primary documents coming in and out of the company and the generated reports and reports.
  • Strong internal (between modules) and external (with external information bases) integration of information flows.
  • Rich possibilities to import data from other programming systems.
  • Extremely high level of data protection from unauthorized access and hardware problems.

Special requirements and recommendations

Special requirements:

  • The system works with all Windows, Linux Ubuntu operating systems.
  • There are no particular requirements for the parameters of the hardware being used.
  • The resolution of the display devices must be at least 1280×720 pixels and 96 dpi mode.

For reliable work we recommend:

  • When working with a network, ensure reliability and seamless working processes.
  • Ensure continuous power supply at every workstation, including the server.
  • Workstation screens support full HD mode for more user-friendly operation.

Internal integration between modules in EJ System Standard

EJ System maintains a unified data base for the companies being processed (company name, address, BULSTAT, VAT number, company manager data, etc.). All modules use this data in their work. The structure of document flow (the various document folders), the structure of the company’s objects, and some global settings concerning the data handling work together. This ensures trouble-free operation of the modules and avoids duplication of information. Such an approach makes it possible to easily integrate information flows from different modules.

The organization of work in companies typically requires data integration in billing, posting, warehouse and treasury processes. In the EJ System this integration is realized and with the introduction of the information in one place the data in real time is reflected in the modules connected to it.


Dynamic modeling of complex information objects.

A new approach to organizing and building software products, based on the leading role of the IT specialist in this process.

In building the graphical user interface, the following principles are met:
✓   Тhe EJEM mechanism has been applied to the program implementation;
✓   The ergonomic requirements for placing the information on the screen forms are strictly observed;
✓   Clear and hierarchical functionalities for the input, storage and processing of information flows;
✓   Minimal use of icons, especially those with unclear semantics;
✓   Various techniques are used to visualize data and information in screenshots;
✓   The simultaneous use of more than one screen form during the operation of the modules is only allowed as a last resort;
✓   Maximum utilization of the capabilities of the computer equipment of the user for quality and ergonomic screen image.

Non-relational databases based on external data logic are used.

The ArmSBuilder platform is used to implement the EJ System modules.

Guaranteed high level of data protection from unauthorized access.

Program modules are built on the principle of building licensed software and no other supporting and support programs are required for their operation, except for the operating system.

In the EJ System, internal (between modules) and external (with external information bases) integration of information flows are realized.

After installation, the EJ System modules are 100% ready for operation.

Модули включени в EJ System STANDARD

Цени за лиценз и едногодишен абонамент

License prices

First install

Next install

A single-user company
/до 200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 10 фирми, 1 потребител/

First install


Next install


Small company
/до 600 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 20 фирми, до 3 потребителя/

First install


Next install


/до 1200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 50 фирми, до 5 потребителя/

First install


Next install


   За абонамент
/за 1 година/

First install

Next install

A single-user company
/до 200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 10 фирми, 1 потребител/

First install


Next install


Small company
/до 600 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 20 фирми, до 3 потребителя/

First install


Next install


/до 1200 фактури за година във фирма/ /до 50 фирми, до 5 потребителя/

First install


Next install


Цените са в лева, без включен ДДС.

В цената на лиценза се включва и 6 месечен абонамент за поддръжка.